Are leaves discoloured?
Don't know No Yes, in some areas Yes, all over (on one or both sides) Yes, by speckles/spots/blotches Yes, between leaf veins Yes, leaf margins/tips Yes, by bumps/swellings Yes, mottled Yes, in bands or by stripes/flecks Yes, by long 'scar-like' strips Yes, at the base of the leaf
What colour?
Not applicable/don't know Yellowing/fading Yellow-brown Brown Reddish-brown Red Pink Purple Blue Green-blue Green White/silvery/grey Black
Which leaves changed colour first/are worse affected?
Don't know All the same Younger leaves first Older leaves first Leaves on the windward side
Are there holes?
Don't know No Yes, small round 'shot-holes' or pits Yes, regular/neat holes Yes, irregular/jagged-edged holes Yes, leaves are skeletonised Yes, 'U' shaped holes in margins Yes, in strips
Are the leaves damaged or distorted (excl. holes)?
Don't know No Yes, twisted Yes, generally distorted Yes, wilted or withered Yes, splitting Yes, crumpled and brittle Yes, cracked or blistered in patches Yes, dry areas appear Yes, swollen and distorted Yes, edges are dried/dead Yes, edges rolling upwards or downwards Yes, leaf bases are swollen and splitting Yes, leaf is progressively narrowing/shrinking Yes, growing very lushly Yes, 'mined' or burrowed into Yes, leaves fail to grow or to form a 'head' Yes, curling up Yes, entire leaves eaten Yes, by a knobbly growth/gall Yes, folded or curled up by webbing
Is there a dust-like substance/fungus on them?
Don't know No Yes, black soot like substance Yes, raised pustules or bumps Yes, white powdery substance Yes, toadstools/mushrooms growing between grass leaves Yes, pink or red fungal strands Yes, grey or white mould-like substance Yes, grey fluffy fungus
Are there pests on them?
Don't know No Yes, small (<5mm) bumps which don't move Yes, small (<5mm) white moving insects Yes, small (<5mm) red moving insects Yes, small (<5mm) yellow moving insects Yes, small (<5mm) orange moving insects Yes, small (<5mm) green moving insects Yes, small (<5mm) brown moving insects Yes, small (<5mm) blue moving insects Yes, small (<5mm) black moving insects Yes, small (<5mm) grey moving insects Yes, small (<5mm) pink moving insects Yes, small (<5mm) grey/white insects covered in fine threads Yes, larvae (caterpillars or similar) Yes, berry-like, spherical growths Yes, larger (>5mm) bumps which don't move Yes, larger (>5mm) white moving insects Yes, larger (>5mm) black moving insects Yes, larger (>5mm) yellow moving insects Yes, larger (>5mm) green moving insects Yes, larger (>5mm) brown moving insects Yes, larger (>5mm) blue moving insects Yes, larger (>5mm) red moving insects
Is there evidence of pests?
Don't know No Yes, sticky 'honeydew' Yes, silvery trails across the leaf Yes, black frass (tiny pellets or dust-like material) Yes, strands of fine webbing material Yes, white 'woolly' wax Yes, animal droppings/faeces Yes, white discarded 'skins' Yes, orange/red eggs Yes, white/cream/yellow eggs Yes, white 'froth'
Do the leaves fall early?
Don't know No Yes