How to create a wildlife garden

Wildlife is important to our gardens on many levels. Wildlife can munch on plant pests, create wonderfully textured organic matter for our soil and pollinate our flowers to increase our fruit crop. There are downsides to creatures in the garden – some are pests themselves and others leave behind a mess in our neat borders – but generally the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

So encouraging wildlife into your garden is something to be, well, encouraged!

The wildlife included in this ‘how to’ guide are from a UK point of view, but the basic principles for attracting wild creatures to your garden applies worldwide.

Rather than suggest that you turn your entire garden into a wildlife haven (although this can have some great rewards), in this wildlife gardening section we’ll look at what you can do to make your garden an inviting spot for different types of wildlife. Then it’s up to you how much of your garden you want to dedicate to them.

Aquatic life
Feathered friends
Creepy crawlies